Anchorage and docking
Deck accessories
Electrical equipment
Electronics and navigation
Fenders, buoys
Ladders, gangways and platf
Motorboating and accessorie
Onboard comfort equipment
Plumbing and sanitary fixtu
Safety and maintenance
Sailing equipment
Stainless steel hardware

Barigo Tempo M clock w/radio sectors Price: 100.30 € |
Barigo Orion thermo/hygrometer black dial Price: 215.70 € |
Barigo Star hygrometer chromed brass Price: 239.40 € |
Barigo clock Poseidon Price: 235.50 € |
Barigo Tempo M clock w/quartz movement Price: 88.20 € |
Barigo Regatta white hygro-thermometer Price: 116.30 € |
Barigo Orion thermo/hygrometer silver dial Price: 215.70 € |
Barigo Pentable black clock Price: 191.90 € |
Barigo Sky Hygro-thermometer polished SS/white Price: 96.20 € |
Barigo Steel quartz clock Price: 180.00 € |
Barigo Star quartz clock w/ radiosectors golden br Price: 231.50 € |
Barigo Star barometer golden brass Price: 223.60 € |
Barigo Star quartz clock w/alarm chromed brass Price: 267.00 € |
Barigo thermograph Poseidon Price: 231.50 € |
Barigo Orion barometer silver dial Price: 215.70 € |
Barigo Star quartz clock w/ radiosectors chr.brass Price: 263.10 € |
Barigo Tempo M barometer Price: 96.20 € |
Barigo Orion quartz clock black dial Price: 207.80 € |
Barigo Regatta blue quartz clock Price: 108.30 € |
Barigo Sky Hygro-thermometer satined SS/white Price: 96.20 € |