Anchorage and docking
Deck accessories
Electrical equipment
Electronics and navigation
Fenders, buoys
Ladders, gangways and platf
Motorboating and accessorie
Onboard comfort equipment
Plumbing and sanitary fixtu
Safety and maintenance
Sailing equipment
Stainless steel hardware

Lock for toilets and cabins external right, internal left Price: 33.90 € |
CONTEMPORARY handle pair w/plates, simple Price: 77.30 € |
LEATHER lockless handle pair w/plates Price: 88.20 € |
Lock for sliding doors Smart handle Price: 172.10 € |
Lock external right internal left Price: 35.50 € |
SMART handles w/Yale lock ext. left internal left Price: 92.20 € |
CONTEMPORARY handle pair w/strike plate right Price: 96.20 € |
Yale-type external lock 16/38 mm w/projecting hook Price: 148.20 € |
Handles CONTEMPORARY w/Yale lock ext/int righ Price: 84.20 € |
Smart pair of handles w/plates RH inside +outside Price: 71.70 € |
Simple lockless lock Price: 23.40 € |
LEATHER handles w/plates ext. left internal left Price: 100.30 € |
Contemporary pair of handles w/plates RH outside + inside Price: 66.10 € |
Handles LEATHER w/Yale lock external/internal righ Price: 120.30 € |
Handles CONTEMPORARY w/Yale lock ext/int left Price: 84.20 € |
CONTEMPORARY handle pair w/strike plate left Price: 96.20 € |
Handles LEATHER w/Yale lock external/internal left Price: 120.30 € |
Lock external left internal right Price: 35.50 € |
SMART handles w/Yale lock ext.right internal right Price: 92.20 € |
Magnet-operated lock with strike plate Price: 45.10 € |